Hi there! My name is Arianna, and I’m the founder of Beauty with Arianna. I’ve always had a passion for cosmetics and anything else related to beauty.
I’m a 27 year old single mother that started my beauty journey at just the age of 5. My mother always found it strange that I wanted to put on makeup at a young age. When I got into my teen years, I noticed that my friends started asking me for tips. They frequently commented on my beautiful eyeliner and stylish nails.
I knew that was a sign, so I applied for a job as at the makeup department around the city and have become relatively popular for being a very stylish and modern makeup artist.
In order to pass my information and tips related to beauty on to the rest of the world, I decided to create this blog. I hope that whoever reads it will get a lot of benefits and be able to bring out their inner beauty!
If you have any questions about beauty or anything else, feel free to contact me at any time.